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Imitating Jesus

Imitating Jesus

An Inclusive Approach to New Testament Ethics.In contrast to
many studies of New Testament ethics, which treat the New Testament in general
and Paul in particular, this book focuses on the person of Jesus himself.
Richard Burridge maintains that imitating Jesus means following both his
words - which are very demanding ethical teachings - and his deeds
and example of being inclusive and accepting of everyone. Burridge carefully
and systematically traces that combination of rigorous ethical instruction and
inclusive community through the letters of Paul and the four Gospels, treating
specific ethical issues pertaining to each part of Scripture. The book
culminates with a chapter on apartheid as an ethical challenge to reading the
New Testament; using South Africa as a contemporary case study enables Burridge
to highlight and further apply his previous discussion and
conclusions.Recommended € 34,90

Imitating Jesus


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